Documentary Filmmakers Speak / Liz Stubbs
Documentary Filmmakers Speak / Liz Stubbs
Documentary Filmmakers Speak / Liz Stubbs
R$ 149,00
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- ISBN: 9781581152364 Editora Allworth. Ano 2002 - 240 pages. Tamanho 23 x 15. Livro usado, bem conservado, como novo. Edição ilustrada. Em inglês. - Resumo: A filmmaker takes readers behind the lens in a series of candid interviews with creators of some of the most influential documentaries of our time. Filmmakers, film students, documentary makers for film and television, and lovers of pop culture will hear, in the filmmakers' own words, the challenges and triumphs faced in making documentaries. Firsthand knowledge is shared on such topics as how the documentary process differs from making fictional films, storytelling technique, ethical boundaries, funding, film festivals, and much more. Industry leaders and award-winning filmmakers interviewed include: Ross McElwee, Albert Maysles, Susan Froemke, Bruce Sinofsky, Liz Garbus, DA Pennebaker, Chris Hedegus, Allie Light and Nick Broomfield. This reference provides insight into some of the most potent and best-known documentary work done in recent years

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