Controversial Science: From Content to Contention / Thomas Brante; Steve Fuller
Controversial Science: From Content to Contention / Thomas Brante; Steve Fuller
Controversial Science: From Content to Contention / Thomas Brante; Steve Fuller
R$ 200,00
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- ISBN: 9780791414743 ‎ State University of New York Press. Ano 1993 - 326 pages. Tamanho 23 cm. Livro usado, bem conservado. Em inglês. - Resumo: This book represents emerging alternative perspectives to the constructivist orthodoxy that currently dominates the field of science and technology studies. Various contributions from distinguished Americans and Europeans in the field, provide arguments and evidence that it is not enough simply to say that science is socially situated. Controversial Science focuses on important political, ethical, and broadly normative considerations that have yet to be given their due, but which point to a more realistic and critical perspective on science policy.